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How do I include a download link for my app on my website?

Apr 09, 2021
Hi all,

I do apologise in advance if my question is too rudimentary. This is my first app and I need help how to make it available for downloading on my website so my site users can download and install it directly from my website. I don't really want to list the app on apple/play stores as I think my app may be rejected for not having enough functionalities. I just need the app to enable my site users access my site without having to type my site address into their browsers, which thing most people don't have the time for.
Any ideas will be appreciated.
Many thanks.
1 Antworten
Apr 09, 2021
Hi edd, as far as i know, you need to submit your app anyway and tell to Zappter that you want to have the APK Link. Btw. you can do this only for Google-Apps, not for Apple - Apple doesn't allow to install apps from other sites then their apple store. I would suggest to take a look into the "Code"-Element, which you can use to maybe embedd your entire website into the app. Otherwise you may contact zappter directly.
Apr 09, 2021
Many thanks for your help big man.
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