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Upload Photo

Feb 26, 2021
Some know if's possible for the app user to opload a photo from phone and send for me/ give me access to photo. Also is it possible " to opload a link/copy link and give me access
I want my customer to take picture of af floorplan/drawing and opload that picture for me. Another product is he give access to a link... that link I will copy and send for production ( floorplan drawing )
1 Answers
Mar 02, 2021
You can do all this stuff with the plugin Formgenerator. You have the freedom to structure your form as you want, for example, you can create a "text field" so your customers can copy / paste the link, then you create the "upload field" and your customers can upload all the material.

link to the plugin:

link to the documentation:
Mar 02, 2021
Thank you very much Luna, it was very helpful
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