Make it easier for your clients to pay you online, which means you get paid instantly. Integrate with Payrexx, the world's most straightforward payment platform.
Easy, fast, secure
Handle worldwide customer payments safely and easily. Maximum data security with encrypted data input. Security requirements according to PCI DSS, 3-D Secure, 256-bit SSL encryption.
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Excellent shopping experience
Offer the right combination of payment options from all major payment providers - tailored to your customer group and markets.
Many payment options
Integrate worldwide leading payment service providers so that customers all around the world are able to pay! Immediately accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and further 200+ payment methods.
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Simple accounting
Install Payrexx now and keep your transactions under control with real-time reporting. Get access to analysis, administration, reports in just a click.
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Twint by Payrexx
Now you can integrate with Payrexx TWINT in seconds. Set it up, use it to offer your users with a convenient payment process for online shops, app shops to move with a smartphone or table.