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Reservation & Booking System

Online reservations made easy! Activate this plugin and allow your app users to make reservations and bookings. All industries can use it for its ease of handling resources and availability checking. A fantastic customizable calendar awaits you to manage your bookings playfully.

New: Reservation & Booking System

Online booking simple as powerful

 It takes seconds to create your availability calendar with multiple resources. 
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Get your schedule organized

Create your time slots and set several specific times when an appointment or booking can start. Move appointments to the next day, cancel appointments, create absences and so much more.

Seamless Payments

Accept online payments through a range of payment processors like Stripe, PayRexx, PayPal and more or accept cash or card onsite. 

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Optimize your resources

Add as many resources as qualified to handle the tasks, say a consultant, therapist, or even a function space. The smart calendar maintains individual slots for each of your resources. 

Design that expresses your business

Customize the look & feel of your items with the powerful design tool. 
Customize each pixel and make your business recognizable. 

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Integrate in your website

Add booking functionality to your website. You can add a simple iFrame widget to show a list of bookable services right on your page.
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Booking online?
Confirmed with Zappter.

Get the most customizable booking platform for your app, web-app and website now and experience the convenient way to handle bookings with seamless payment methods, manageable resources, interactive calendar and a lot more features.