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Voucher System

Create vouchers with different options and share it with Voucher-Codes or QR-Codes. Get more app users with easy marketing strategies.

New: Voucher System

Unlock your potential

Create as many vouchers as you like. You can distribute vouchers to existing users or customers. Or you can use the code in your newsletter or send a push-notification.
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Voucher for every need

Create what you need from many possible options. You can create voucher for one specific item, voucher for an entire category of items, voucher for a specific value / amount or voucher that set a percentage discount.
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Tailored settings

Customize your voucher campaign name, the unique code, the expiry date. Enable and disable the campaign based on your needs with just a click.

Encourage to complete purchases

Shoppers abandon their carts because they feel that they can get a better deal elsewhere. Voucher codes help customers to realise that they already have the best deal on the market in their shopping cart.
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Increase brand loyalty

Offering exclusive discounts to loyal customers, is a reminder that you value them, and continuing to build value in your brand. Get the voucher plugin now and start reward your customers with an easy to use system provided by Zappter.