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Creación de categorías de eventos

Creating event categories

Event & event categories

In Zappter, you have individual events and event categories. You can group several individual events inside an event category. 

For example, you're selling 'event tickets' for a motor show in your city: 

  1. You can create individual events for 'Regular price' and 'Special price' with different pricing. 
  2. Then you can create event categories like 'Single' and 'Couple.'  
  3. On your app content, you add the event categories so that when users tap on 'Single' they get to see 'Regular price' & 'Special price' in it.

So, event categories are important to managing your tickets; instead of displaying all your individual events on the content, you display the category for users to click and see individual events inside it. Create all related events, sub-events, and events at different prices under their category. 
When creating mobile content, you have an option to display the category, when users click on the category, it shows them all events under that category. For instance, the Geneva Motor Show is a category. When users click on the Geneva Motor Show, it shows them the tickets for Geneva Motor Show - Adult, Geneva Motor Show - Children, etc.
1. Admin > Events > Event Categories. Click on the '+ New.'
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2. Fill the new category screen.
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  • Title: Give a title 
  • Short description: Enter your description
  • Picture: Select or upload an image using the gallery
3. Create.
Event-System / Drop-In