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How content works?

In order to better understand how 'multistore' works, it is helpful to understand how content works in a single app scenario. You understanding on below terms will help you better manage multiple stores when working with the Stores plugin.
Landing page (sometimes called, 'view') 
In this context, think of a 'landing page' as the base URL or a page that your users need to access first to see the content in it.
The 'content' is like a canvas that holds your selling items, booking items, text, buttons, pic, or anything that users interact with. In Zappter, you can create multiple 'contents' and put them under a single landing page. Read below to learn single and multiple content usages.

  1. 'Single content' example: if you're selling clothes, it's all about clothes and related items, there is no 'product line mix' in this. So you can put them in a single 'content' and categorize them (using category plugin) like "Men's clothes" and "Women's clothes" to organize your listing.
  2. 'Multiple contents' example: You're selling unrelated or remotely related products under a brand, for example, Microsoft selling software and hardware or Caterpillar selling heavy equipment and shoes. Or, Disney's hotel bookings and theme park tickets. These are examples where you need a whole different content for each product line. When users connect to your landing page (view), you would show them different links to different product lines like in the case of Microsoft, click on the software to see all software products and click on hardware to see all laptops and so on.
UI elements
Simply put, these are user interface (UI) elements that you add to your content. 

Multistore benefits

The above section briefed how the content system works in Zappter and suggested use cases of single and multiple contents in your app. In both cases, it discusses selling under one brand. So what about selling under different brands? One option is to create an app for each brand regardless there is a single owner. Financially, it is costly and labor-intensive in terms of maintenance, managing, and reporting.

However, when you install the 'Stores' plugin, you can create multiple stores, each one for a brand. And each store acts like a single app created solely for the brand.

UI, when multistore in effect

When you have installed the Stores plugin in your app, you can notice these changes in your admin.
The store navigation option: You can use this drop-down button to navigate among all your stores:
When you click on the store navigation, you get this screen where you can click a desired store to manage its app content (UI):
Multistore menu options: You can use these options to create new stores or change configuration of existing stores:
Default store: There is always a 'default' store. Every app has a single store by default before you install the Stores plugin. That becomes your default store once you install the plugin. Any changes you perform on your default store, Zappter asks if you want that change applied to other stores as well. Here, you can apply the change to all store or choose to apply only to selected stores.

Creating new stores

Once you have understood the basics about multistore plugin, follow the below steps to create your store.
1. Admin > Stores > Manage Stores. Click on the '+ New store' button.
When adding a store, you might get the below message when you have already created three stores with standard license and trying to create additional stores. You need to purchase additional Stores license pack in order to proceed. 
2. New store configuration appears. Provide your new store's name and select its currency.
  • Store Name: Name of your store and it's a mandatory field
  • Store Picture: Upload an image for your store
  • Currency: Select the store currency so all your transactions will base on this currency
3. Click on the 'Create' button to complete creating your new store. 
New store created. Now move on to the next section, Creating Store Content to create content on your new landing page.
Other optional tabs:

  • Address: Store address, auto-completing address filler field
  • Optional: Provide any reference and a comment about the store you're creating
  • Google Maps: Auto-completing Google address selector. Your Google Maps widget will show this address