
Plugins et fonctionnalités


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Plugins et fonctionnalités Conception d'applications


Marketing E-Commerce Developer Backoffice Online Booking Content Ideas Payment Integrations Shop Integrations App Storage Authentication Form Extensions Stores Games Indicateurs de chargement


Ajouté récemment Populaire Bestseller Recommandé

Construction et mise à l'échelle

Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Forum Générateur de formulaires

Modules d'affaires

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

Ajouté récemment

Widget de temps d'attente Plugin d'instruction PWA Extension de l'album de la galerie Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Système d'évaluation QR-Code Profil vérifié Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Fonction de commentaire du panier d'achat Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Groupes de contenu

Avec le plugin de groupes de contenu, vous pouvez créer plusieurs groupes et modifier l'ensemble de l'application en un seul clic. Partagez-la avec un code QR ou un lien unique directement avec vos clients. Ce plugin est utile en combinaison avec d'autres plugins, tels que Places.

 Ready to grow with you

 If your business is scaling, your app is ready to adapt. Organizing your content into multiple views and directing users exclusively to what they look for guarantees your app’s best user experience. 
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Specific content for your customer

 With the landing pages you can create multiple pages, customize specific content and settings and share it with a QR-Code or a unique link directly to specific segment of customers or marketing campaign.
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One app, endless landing pages

With Landing Pages you don't need to recreate your content for each campaign. Use shortcuts to manage content centrally and save time by assigning landing pages to workstations and control the permissions easily.

 Your control room

Do you have multiple departments or business units? Create landing pages, as many as your business need. Set the starter page for your users and change it at any time. Disable specific landing page, hide content from other, manage your app with no limitations. Use landing pages for any situation you face in your daily business; spread a QR-Code or a Link to a specific landing page to inform your users about changed opening hours, or to promote a special event. 

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 Creators freedom

 Fulfill the dream of personalization with no compromises. Design your app with your brand style or customize each view with a unique design. Get the landing pages plugin now!
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