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Google Feature Graphic

1. Google Feature Graphic > Configure.
image.png 361.05 KB
2. Click on 'Edit Google Feature Graphic.'
image.png 306.3 KB
3. You get two options to create the image using Zappter image generator or upload an existing image.
image.png 173.82 KB
You can prepare the image and attach through one of these options:

  • Using Zappter image generator
  • Uploading image
The following sections discuss both of these options in detail. 

With Zappter photo generator

1. Select 'Create.' 
image.png 175.44 KB
2. Zappter image editor comes up. Use the tools in the editor to complete. Save, and confirm in the following screen to proceed.
image.png 538.06 KB

image.png 317.41 KB
 Google Feature Graphic completed: 
image.png 303.48 KB

Upload existing

1. Select 'Upload.' 
image.png 176.03 KB
2. Upload an image file of a specific size as mentioned on screen.
image.png 334.61 KB
Google Feature Graphic uploaded: 
image.png 303.48 KB
Dernière mise à jour à 05.07.2022 21:54