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Making Requests

Making requests - web app

Until your app is published to an app store, you can access the app via its web app URL. 
How to Find Your Web App URL?
1. Log in to your Zappter admin. Now, click on your profile icon.
2. Find your web app URL immediately below the profile image.
3. Log in to your web app using the URL.
4. Your app opens.

Requests on user devices

Following demonstrates how users can make their complimentary requests.
1. In your app, find a request that you want to order.  Tap on the 'Request' button to make a request.
2. Complete any rules set in the app and proceed with payment.
3. The order is confirmed.
Once the request has been accepted, denied or if there is a chat request, you will be notified through a push notification.
Request System