In order to implement COVID-19 tracing app, you need to enable app user QR code to uniquely identify each user. Then enforce user registration with phone number entry, and logging into your app. With these completed, you're ready to move on to the next subsections in this document.
1. Admin > Settings > Bottom Bar > Settings > Profile QR-Code. Switch on the 'Enable QR-Code for App Users.'
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2. Move on to the Register tab in Bottom Bar.
Enable, Register first (optional)
Enable, Require Phone Number
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3. Optionally, under the Login tab, you can also enable, Force to login.
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Creating tracing scanners
These are the scanners you can deploy on entrances and other areas where people enter. At entry, you can scan their QR codes. Once you create scanners, you can use any mobile device to login, ideally smartphones, to start using it.
1. Move on to Admin > COVID-19 Tracing > Tracing Scanner.
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2. Click on the 'Neuer Tracing Scanner' button. Enter the Tracing Scanner name and a password on the following screen.
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Entering descriptive Tracing Scanner names in a large organization with multiple scanners is ideal.
3. Create it.
Log-in to tracing scanner
Log in using any mobile device, preferably smartphones to start tracing.
1. Admin > COVID-19 Tracing > Tracing Scanner.
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2. Click on the scanner that you wish to log in to.
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3. Click on the 'How to login.' And, choose one of the options.