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Creating QR-Codes

Creating QR codes

You need to set a language, language associated files, and create QR code. When your users use this QR code, they can download the right files in their device language, if Redirect to device language is enabled. When this option is not enabled, users can select the language.
1. Admin > Ingenious QR-Code> Manage QR-Codes. Click on the '+ New' button. 
  • Description: Give a description for the file that you're going to share
  • Redirect to device language: Make sure it is on if you try to share a file in users' device language
  • Default Language: Select a default language to serve the file when you haven't provided a file in the user's device language (explained in the next step) 
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2. Click on the 'Add' to add different languages and associate files in each of those languages.  Click inside the language and the list of languages appear to choose from. Then upload the corresponding file in that language.
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For example, if you're trying to share a document in English, Italian, and German. You would add these three languages, and while adding each language, you upload a file that is already translated in that language. 

If a user's device language is Italian, he will download the file that you attached for the Italian language.  If the user's device language is French, which is not in your setup, the user will receive the English file if you set up English as the 'default language.' 
Repeat this step to add all your languages.
3. Create to complete.
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Ingenious QR-Codes