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Managing Languages

Translating and managing content and labels.

Managing translations

All your languages are shown with brief information about your current levels of translations. This screen is where you manage your app's entire translation tasks. It is also a good place to get notified on missing translation on newly added content since your last translation and perform auto-translations.
1. Admin > Languages > Content Translations.  Click on the language that you want to manage.
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2. You're into the language's translation overview where you can initiate various other tasks.
Note: Whenever you click on one of the buttons at the top, you may get this prompt:

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  • Use Zappter API Key: The translation feature uses Google Translations at the back. You need to have your Google Translation API in order to access the translation services of Google. However, if you don't have one, you can use Zappter's premade API for Google without going through creating one for you. When you click on it, you will be taken to the marketplace to subscribe to the plugin.
  • Enter API Key: If you already have an API for Google Translation, you can click and proceed with entering.
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Upper buttons (commands):

  • Translation missing: This option auto-translates any element that is a missing translation
  • Controlling: Shows reverse translation of UI elements
  • Download: To download current translations for offline checking and correction. It is ideal if you have to send the translation to a third party to complete it for a certain language.

Lower buttons (filters):

  • All: Lists entire UI element translation of the app
  • Missing: This shows only those missing translations
  • Changed: Lists only those manually changed
  • Warning: Any translation-related warnings or errors, especially where a reverse translation doesn't get back the exact word in the default language 


Click on the 'Translate Missing button.' The system starts translating each UI element that was shown under 'Missing' filter. 
  • Notice the difference now in missing, changed, and warning statuses
  • Darker orange highlights under the controlling column show Warnings where the reverse-translation gives entirely a different word back. Lighter orange and pinkish highlights indicate slight differences. These are areas where you might involve manual translations to be considered
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When you scroll down:

Manual translations & more

Below section explains how you can manually translate whenever you find a few of the auto-translated content need enhancements. The section also explains each button on this screen.
Each word or phrase has its own buttons for more action and these are:

  1. Undo (Orange): Appears when you have just translated a word/phrase using auto-translate or manual
  2. Edit (blue): Is to edit the word/phase manually
  3. 'g' or Google Translate (black): It translate the word/phrase using Google
  4. Reverse Translate (Yellow): It reverse-translates the word/phrase
1. Click on the row that you need to translate. 
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2. Click on the edit button in blue.
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3. Enter the right word, and save.


Click on the 'Controlling' to view your translation in backward to see the accuracy of auto-translation.
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Download translations

You also download your entire UI elements' translation Excel format for offline checking and correction.
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Multilingual App
Last updated at 10.05.2023 08:47