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Setting Defaults

Places defaults

These settings are optional, and you can also start using the feature without these changes.
1. Admin > Settings > Places.  The 'General' tab opens. Enter the text that asks users to scan the QR code.  (It already has the default text that you may replace if it is needed).
2. In the 'Link' tab, enter a rule that will override the existing rule set in the content when users enter the places (content). Normally whenever a user scans the QR code, the rule defined in the content applies otherwise.
  • Click on the 'New rule' button:
  • The rule is overridden by this rule, you select here
3. Print tab: Define the custom text that is going to print when printing the QR codes.
4. Security tab: By default, this security is enabled.  When this is enabled, you're making sure that the users always have to scan the QR code. When disabled, users can directly go to the content on consecutive attempts without scanning the QR code as long as they have used to QR code to view the content once.
5. Save changes.