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Setting Up Recommendations

Setting recommendations

When you have the plugin installed, you get a tab, 'Recommendation' on each of your selling items. You can start you recommended or linked items from there to take advantage of cross-selling or upselling by showing other related items to a potential buyer.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit the app. 
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2. Select an article. (When the buyer adds this Article to the bucket, the 'Recommended' list pops up). 
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3. Select 'More options'. Then select the 'Recommendation' tab.

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4. Choose an article or a category, under the Recommendation dropdown. 
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5. When selecting the article or category in the dropdown, Zappter shows all available articles or categories to select or multi-select the items. 
for categories, it will display all content inside the category as recommended items.
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Depending on the plugins you have subscribed to, you might see more tabs associated with the features of those plugins. 
6. The above-selected article or category will be shown to the buyer as the recommended items when they place the originally selected article in the cart.
7. Save. 