Integrating Mailchimp with Zappter needs obtaining API key and Audience ID from Mailchimp and entering into Zappter. Below steps explain.
Mailchimp API key and Audience ID:
API Key: In your Mailchimp account, go to your account menu > Extras
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Audience ID: Go to Audience Dashboard > Manage Audience > Settings. Note down your API Key and the Audience ID.
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Entering API Key and Audience ID in Zappter:
1. Admin > Settings > Mailchimp. The 'General' tab opens by default where you can enter your Mailchimp API Key & Audience ID.
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2. Move on to the 'Settings' tab. Provide your users with an opt-in to authorize receiving newsletters from your app. This comes on the user registration form.
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Enable Opt-In: Enable or disable option on the user registration form
Checkbox Text: Customize the text displayed to the users with this opt-in. Default is "I would like to subscribe to the newsletter"