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Landing pages & 'start page'

As discussed earlier, A landing page is where your users land in your app. You can create multiple landing pages when using the Stores plugin (If you would like to know more about Landing Pages, refer to earlier sections that explain them in greater detail), and set one of them to be 'Start Page' so that your users when they log into your app will reach the landing page.

Then why create many landing pages? You may need them for different purposes, like A/B testing, a dedicated landing page for promoting a new product launch, or you want some content completely out of the rest of your app content and give access to only a selected few, or any similar purpose your business might need them.

Follow the steps to set a Landing Page to be your Start Page. Learn how to create Landing Pages.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. When you have multiple landing pages, you can see them all here. Click on the landing page that you want to edit and make it your 'Start Page.' Note: You can click on any of the landing pages to make it active before you can edit it. You can see the one that is active, changes to blue here. Once you have selected the landing page, click on the 'More' button.
2. Once you click on the 'More' button, you get two options, 'Edit' and 'Delete.' You need to edit in this case.
3. Tick the 'Start Page' option to make it the start page for your users and save the changes.

Global UI customization

When you have installed Stores plugin, obviously, you're going to work with multiple stores, one being always 'default' store and others, each store for different businesses or purposes. There can be two different scenarios when it comes to UI customization: 

  1. Your customization that should be applied to all stores across, say your text or design to be consistence within your chain.
  2. Your certain customization should only be applied to a particular store, say you're adding text, design, or another game related plugin that should be unique to the store.
You're doing a global customization for scenario 1 store level customization for scenario 2. When you select your 'default' store and perform your customization, Zappter asks you to select what other stores that should inherit these change. Or, you simply select one of your other stores and perform the customization which will apply only to the store.

Follow the steps and perform a global customization.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit your app.
2. Select the default store (if it's not selected). And, click on the content (content layout) to edit and start modifying your UI.
3. Make your changes, 
4. After you have made the change with any of UI element and save, you can see the change gets applied across all your stores.

Store-level UI customization

Store-level customization is performed when you only need to apply the change only to the store. Follow the steps.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit your app.
2. Instead of the default store (default store and selected by default), select the particular store. 
3. And, click on the content (content layout) to edit and start modifying your UI. 
4. Make your changes, save, and 'Put online' (you can see that modification inheritance to other stores does not appear now).

Content groups

The content group is created when there are multiple contents in the landing page. If you have too many contents it is harder and the app UI gets cluttered, so you can create content groups and put in the related contents inside the group to keep the UI clean and easy to navigate. Follow the steps to create your content groups.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click '+ New.'
2. Click on 'New Group.'
 3. In the new group setup page, provide the following information. 
  • What is the name of your group?: Give your new group name 
  • Picture: Select an image to your new group
4. Create ( And, you might have to click on 'Cancel' once again to get back to the main page.) and remember to 'Put Online.'  You have now completed creating your group view. Notice there is a rounded dial-pad-like icon at the lower right that differentiates a content group from individual contents. 
5. You can drag and drop the related individual contents inside the group, which you created before. Now your individual content are inside the content group.
Edit/delete content groups or remove an individual content from a content group:

Click on the content group to get in to it and perform the below tasks:

  • You can use edit button to edit the content group setup
  • Use the 'Delete Group' button to delete the content group
  • To remove a content out of a content group, just drag and drop on the 'home' like icon
