You can set up/change your profile information, email notification preferences, change your admin account password, and set up a nickname for your public forum postings.
1. Log in to your admin.
2. Go on to the profile menu and select the ‘My Account’ option.
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3. When in the Billing and My Account screen, expand the ‘My Account’ option in this screen.
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Options under ‘My Account’:
Delete Account
Profile Give your real profile details here.
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Marketplace This is where you set up your nickname that is going to be displayed on your public discussions throughout the Zappter marketplace, such as the Zappter user forums.
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In the ‘Marketplace’ tab, enter your nickname, accept the terms and upload an image to be used as your profile icon.
Move on to the ‘Email’ tab where you can define these characteristics:
Disable comment notifications: Enable or disable receiving emails when another user posts a comment on your forum posts.
Disable replies notification: Enable or disable receiving notifications to your replies in the forum.
Disable topics notifications: Disables notifications about new comments in topics you created.
Disable Zappter notifications: Enable or disable email notifications when Zappter Team answers your comments in the Community.
Settings This option has the other sub-options as below:
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Confirm Email Address: Use this option to verify your email address. Click on the button and you will get an instant confirmation that a Zappter has sent you an email to confirm. You can check in your inbox to verify it.
Access granted or Access restricted: This option enables or disables access for Zappter to log in for support issues. Clicking on it toggles between enabling and disabling. When enabled, you see the text, ‘Access granted’ and the icon in green with a tick on the button as below, or the text is ‘Access restricted’ and the icon in red:
Newsletter subscribed or Newsletter unsubscribed: Enables or disables newsletter subscription. Clicking on it toggles between enabling and disabling.
Manage credit cards: When you need to save your credit card information with your profile to ease payments, you can use this option to save your credit card information with your profile. When you click on the button, it prompts you to edit credit card information. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to get below screen where you can enter your card information and save the details for future payments using this card easily without re-entering the card information every time.
Change password Whenever you need to change your admin password, it is the option. Click on it to get the screen where you can change the current admin password.
Once you have entered the new password, click on the ‘Continue’ button to save changes.