The Epson Printer plugin allows you to print from workstation to a receipt printer by Epson.
The following models are supported and tested:
- Epson TM-M30 - Epson TM-T88VI
Models with e-pos / integrated webservices also work. Please consult our support team if you are not sure if your model is supported.
The printing works over TCP/IP. You need to set a static IP-Address on the printer.
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Disable energy efficient ethernet
Some printer models have a "energy efficient ethernet" automatically enabled. It is mandatory to disable this feature, otherwise the printing may fail at some time.
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Enable ePOS-Print
1. In order to successfully print from your workstation, the printer must have enabled ePOS-Print. Go to "Configuration > ePOS-Print" and select "Enable".
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2. Go to "Configuration > ePOS-Device" and select "Enable"