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Generate & Upload APK / AAB File

Find out how to generate and upload your apk file.

The In-App Purchase plugin allows you to use the payment system of Apple and Google to sell digital goods and subscriptions.

Connect your developer accounts

To use the in-app purchases you must use your own developer accounts. You need first to complete the "Developer Accounts" section under "iOS & Android App > Submit App", so Zappter can access and manage your in-app products in your developer accounts.

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Follow this tutorial to setup your developer accounts:
Custom Developer Accounts Tutorial

Enter Google Billing Key

As soon as you have completed the Custom Developer Accounts Tutorial, you need to get the Google Billing Key and save in Zappter.

1. Open your Google Play Developer Console:

2. Select your app and then click on "Monetization setup"

3. Copy the key under "Licensing"

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4. On go to "In-App Purchases > Management > In-App Purchases" and click on "Enter Google Billing Key". Paste the copied key there and click on save.

Generate & Upload the AAPK / AAB File

Now you need to generate and upload an APK / AAB File.

1. Go to "In-App Purchases > Management > In-App Purchases" and click on the button to generate the APK / AAB File

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2. Once you have clicked on the button, a message will appear that the APK / AAB File is being generated. Note: This may take up to 12 hours.

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3. As soon as your APK / AAB File is ready, you will get a notification. Open then "In-App Purchases > Management > In-App Purchases" again and you will see a button to download the file. Click on the button to download the file.

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4. When the download is completed, open your Google Play Developer Console:

5. Select your app and then click on "Production > Create new release"

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6. Click on "Upload" and select the file you have just downloaded

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7. Click on the bottom right on "Save as draft"

8. Open then "In-App Purchases > Management > In-App Purchases" again and click on "Verify connection"

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Now you should see the button "New In-App Purchase" and you should be able to create your in-app purchases.

If you need assistance, please contact our support team.
Last updated at 07.05.2023 10:43