This option allow you to add an inline form on the app content. It uses the form that you have already created under Admin > Form Generator.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit your app.
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2. In the app customization, expand the group, Form Generator under Content. Click on the 'Inline-Form.'
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3. In the 'General' tab select an existing form by clicking on the 'Choose existing.' On your right, it shows all existing forms that you have already created under Admin > Form Generator. Click on the one you want to associate with the button.
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4. Move onto 'Appearance' tab.
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Button text: Give a name, title or heading
Button icon: Select an icon
Button background: Set a background color
Button font colors: Set a font color
5. Create it and 'Put online' to publish your new inline form to appear on your users' devices.