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Creating Iframe

Creating iframe elements

When you have the URL of the content you want to embed, follow the below steps to use Iframe to embed the content on your app.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit your app. 
2. In the app customization, expand the group, Others. Click on the 'Iframe.' 
Others-Iframe.jpg 439.19 KB
3. Enter your Iframe URL. 
Some sites don't allow Iframe. Iframe embedding is blocked from HTTP response header X-Frame-Option of those sites.
SourceURL.jpg 267.04 KB
Depending on the plugins you have subscribed to, or installed, you might see more tabs associated with the extended features of those plugins. For instance:

  • You might see a tab, 'Checkable' to where your users can tick next to this content for marking they have read the content. For more information on 'Checkable' plugin, read here.
  • 'Favorite' tab to allow your users to add this content to their personal favorite list. Read more about Favorite here.
4. Click on the 'Create' button to complete creating the Iframe element. 
Once the Iframe has been embedded, looks like below:
Create.jpg 388.26 KB
Iframe Element