Below steps on WooCommerce export are shared to assist you and subject to change by the vendor.
Using the WooCommerce plugin's Product Importer/Exporter:
Navigate to Products in your WP-Admin Panel and choose Export.
Choose columns you want to export and then used in the app. Required: SKU or Name to use them in your app. Recommended: Short description, Description, Regular price, Categories, Images. The only first image from exported will be used and will be set as the featured image.
Choose product types and categories you want to export.
Generate your CSV export.
You may use any plugin or tool to perform your export. Pay attention to the mandatory fields mentioned above.
Onetime CSV imports
Import your WooCommerce data in CSV (comma separated value) format to create articles in your app to keep your WooCommerce store and app in sync. The below steps guide you through setting up one-time imports without scheduling.
2. Upload your WooCommerce CSV here, or provide an import file link.
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When you upload a CSV, you're performing a one-time upload. For scheduled regular updates, you must provide a 'file link.'
3. Next choose the right mappings for your upload settings.
Mapping is where you inform the connector, which WooCommerce field goes where in Zappter to create articles.
Mapping example:
CSV file headers: ID, Title, SKU...
Zappter fields: Identification, Name, title or heading...
When complete it should look like below:
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The import plugin will try to guess some popular mappings, but you can change it so it suits your needs.
When the mapping is complete, click on the 'Continue.'
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4. Complete additional settings. Click on the 'Continue' button when settings are updated.
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Create categories: When a category is not found in Zappter, the connector creates it, if enabled
Update visibility: Visibility from the shop
Current store only: Import into the current store only when you have the stores plugin installed
5. When ready, click on the 'Run Import.'
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6. Import completes.
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After the import is completed you will see some import statistics: how many articles were created, how many were updated, and how many were skipped with some info on why they were skipped.
Onetime XML imports
Import your WooCommerce data in XML (extensible markup language) format to create articles in your app to keep your WooCommerce store and app in sync. The below steps guide you through setting up one-time imports without scheduling.
2. Upload your WooCommerce XML here, or provide an import file link.
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When you upload an XML, you're performing a one-time upload. For scheduled regular updates, you must provide a 'file link'
3. Define your upload settings. Click on the 'Continue' button when the settings are updated.
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With XML mapping step is not shown.
4. When ready, click on the 'Run Import' as shown in the CSV section.
5. Import completes as shown in the CSV section.
Automated imports - CSV & XML
Import your WooCommerce data in either CSV or XML (comma separated value or extensible markup language) formats to create articles in your app or update existing articles in your app with changes in WooCommerce to keep your WooCommerce store and app in sync. The below steps guide you through to setting up automated or scheduled imports.
2. Provide an import file link of CSV or XML. If it's CSV, select 'comma' for the delimiter.
For scheduled regular updates, you must provide a 'file link.'
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3. Next choose the right mappings for your upload settings.
Mapping example:
CSV file headers: ID, Title, SKU...
Zappter fields: Identification, Name, title or heading...
When complete it should look like below:
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The import plugin will try to guess some popular mappings, but you can change it so it suits your needs.
If you provide an XML file link, there is no mapping is needed.
When the mapping is complete, click on the 'Continue.'
4. Complete additional settings. Click on the 'Continue' button when settings are updated.
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Create categories: When a category is not found in Zappter, the connector creates it, if enabled
Update visibility: Visibility from the shop
Current store only: Import into the current store only when you have the stores plugin installed
5. When ready, click on the 'Run Import.'
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6. Import completes.
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7. Click 'Create a new schedule for this import settings.' All your import settings like link, mappings, chosen setup will be stored and used in future imports.
If you need to change the settings simply remove the job from the schedule and create a new one via running a new import.
8. If you want to change schedule settings, click on the newly created schedule.
9. Move on to the 'Plan' tab, and set your preferred schedule.