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Setting Up Simple Inventory

Setting up simple inventory

With Simple Inventory, you set an available quantity for any article. When you sell the article, you can track the stock on hand so you can order or prepare more of the article. And, users willing to purchase the article get an 'Out of Stock' message. 
Note: If you're looking for full-fledged stock management in your app, check out Zappter's Inventory plugin.
You can only set stocks for your chosen articles and keep the others open for unlimited selling.
1. Admin > Customize > Content. Click to edit your app. 
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2. Choose an article to set an available quantity. 
3. Select the 'More Options' button below. 
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4. Move to the 'Stock Management' tab and enable, 'Limit quantity.'  Then, enter the quantity of of the article.
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  • Limit quantity: By Enabling the limit quantity the user is able to manage the stock
  • Stock: Set an available quantity for the article 
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5. Save changes to complete. 
6. 'Put online' to publish your new changes so that it will appear on your users' devices. The button's caption changes from 'Put online' to 'Published' once the changes have been applied successfully. 
Simple Inventory