Once the voucher is created, you need to distribute it to user so they can use them. You can do it by downloading the QR Code of the voucher and giving it for scanning to apply the voucher. Or you can in-app distribute among the app users.
1. Admin > Vouchers > Vouchers.
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2. Click on the 'Distribute' button. In the following screen, you can select the users to whom you want to distribute the voucher.
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All Users: The voucher will be available for all app users
Choose by tag: When you use the plugin, CRM 'My Customer,' and utilize tags to segment your users, you can select the tags so that the voucher will be available for all users come under that tag. Check out the below images to see how the screen looks. How to tag using CRM 'My Customer?'
Particular user: You can multi-select app users from the list to whom you want to associate the voucher so that those users will have this voucher. Check out the below images to see how the screen looks like
Choose by user profile tag: (check CRM tags for more information)
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Distribute to a particular user:
3. Create to complete distributing.
Voucher QR codes
Follow the steps to get your voucher QR codes for distribution to your users.
1. Admin > Vouchers > Vouchers.
2. Click on the 'QR-Code' button of the voucher and download the QR code.
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Editing vouchers
You can adjust voucher details such as percentage, value, text, etc. Follow the steps.
1. Admin > Vouchers > Vouchers.
2. Click on the 'Edit' button of the voucher and you can edit the details.
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3. Save the change once you have completed editing the voucher.
Copying vouchers
Sometimes it's easier to copy an existing voucher to work with it after a few changes. Follow the below steps to copy vouchers.
1. Admin > Vouchers > Vouchers.
2. Click on the 'Duplicate' button of the voucher that you want to make copy out of it.
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3. Provide a new title and the unique code for your new voucher and 'Create' to completing duplicating your voucher. A new voucher appears in the list; start editing it to change according to your needs.