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Creating Vouchers

Creating vouchers

This section discusses:

  • Fixed value vouchers
  • Discount vouchers
  • Vouchers for specific offers
  • Vouchers for all offers in a specific category/subpage

Then moves on to:

  • Setting expiry/validity of the voucher
  • Limiting uses (number of times a voucher can be used or indefinite
1. Admin > Vouchers > Vouchers. Click on the 'New' button. 
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 2. In the '+New' option, choose a content. 
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3. Selecting Articles, Category, Value or Percent, displays as below. Fill up the 'general' tab.
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4. Move on to the 'Expiry date' and select the expiry.
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5. Move on to the 'Settings' tab and select if the voucher if a one-time use or unlimited.
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6. Click on 'Create' to complete creating the voucher.

Vouchers examples

Below are four typical voucher examples for functional application that might help you.
Creating a fixed value voucher:

 1. Click on the 'Value' button.
 2. Enter the fixed value.
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  • Title: It is the name you give to the voucher
  • Description: Description
  • Code: Voucher code
  • Value/Amount: Voucher's value
Creating a discount voucher:

 1 Click on the 'Percent' button.
 2 Enter the percentage.
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  • Title: It is the name you give to the voucher
  • Description: Description
  • Code: Voucher code
  • Percent: Discount percentage
Creating a voucher for a special offer:

 1 Click on the 'Article' button.
 2 All articles display. Select the ones that you're offering discounts through vouchers.
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  • Title: It is the name you give to the voucher
  • Description: Description
  • Code: Voucher code
  • Article: List of articles displays. You can choose one or more where the voucher can be applied
  • Voucher Compensation:  'Voucher Compensation' is a percentage that tells what percentage of the total price of the article your users can apply using the voucher. For example, if the voucher value is 50 and the article's selling price is $20. If you say Voucher Compensation is 50%, the buyer will pay $10 and the other $10 of the article price is set off by the voucher. Now the buyer's voucher value will reduce to 40
Creating a voucher that can be applied on all offers in a category or multiple categories selected:

 1 Click on the 'Category button.
 2 Select one or more categories by using 'Browse' button.

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  • Title: It is the name you give to the voucher
  • Description: Description
  • Code: Voucher code
  • Category: Use the 'Browse' button to select one or more categories, the voucher can be used for
  • Voucher Category Handling: You have 3 options: 1. Take Highest Price 2. Take Lowest Price 3. Apply on all items. In a category, there can be many items with different prices. For example, if you have a voucher worth, 50 value. And, you have 3 items in a category such as ItemA $10, ItemB $20, ItemC $30. If you select, 'Take Highest Price,' the voucher will apply on ItemC first, then remaining on ItemB, and if there is remaining points, it will move on with the next highest or the buyer will pay once the voucher value is no more
  • Voucher Compensation:  'Voucher Compensation' is a percentage that tells what is the percentage of the total price of the article your users can apply using the voucher. For example, if the voucher value is 50 and the article's selling price is $20. If you say Voucher Compensation is 50%, the buyer will pay $10 and the other $10 of the article price is set off by the voucher. Now the buyer's voucher value will reduce to 40
Voucher System