It is a simple setup where you specify the expected cart value, enable or disable the value to include shipment costs + surcharges, and a custom text to display when a buyer doesn't meet the requirement.
1. Admin > Settings > Minimum Order Value.
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Minimum Order Value: It is the value you expect the order to be at the minimum before proceeding
Include Meta Costs: Include shipment costs + surcharges (when ticked)
Text in basket: Message to the user when not meeting the minimum order value
Fill remaining amount: When you work with Minimum order value, your customers' cart must meet the specified value before they can proceed to order. However, if the cart value has not been reached that value, users can still proceed to order since the system will fill the cart value to reach the minimum order value expected. For example, your required order value is $100 and a customer's current value is $90. Without this option enabled, the customer has to add more items to make it $100 or more. With this option enabled, the customer doesn't need to add more items but still, he pays $100 and checks out.