If you already have a Gmail- or Google-Account, you can skip this step and proceed to the next one.
1. Open the following link:
https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount. Click on "Create account", then click on "For myself".
2. Enter your first name, last name, username and password. Then proceed by clicking on "Next".
3. Enter a valid phone number. You will receive a verification code to confirm the validity. Press on "Next" to verify your phone number.
4. Enter the code that you have received on your mobile phone and click on "Verify"
5. Enter your details and press on "Next"
6. On the next step "Get more from your number" click on "Skip"
7. Select "Express personalization" and click on "Next"
8. Scroll down and press on "Confirm"
9. Scroll down and press on "I agree"